
should I stay or should I go now

Been at a job for less than 2 months. Got brought on for a new program I had knowledge of from my previous job. No meetings, no discussion, almost zero communication or support not to mention training. Not even a working website or marketing material.I've been working from home. Doing nothing. Going about my day like I don't even have a job. My manager is avoiding me and blowing me off. Its been at least 2 weeks since I've spoken to him in person or on the phone.. Went out of my way to study (pay) and get a license for this specific job during my first month in hopes and anticipation of having guidance and a mentor But noe they are lowering my pay to minimum wage? On a draw (I'll never do that again) But my manager hasn't reached out. 2 other people I work with weirdly stopped…

Been at a job for less than 2 months.
Got brought on for a new program I had knowledge of from my previous job.
No meetings, no discussion, almost zero communication or support not to mention training. Not even a working website or marketing material.I've been working from home. Doing nothing. Going about my day like I don't even have a job.
My manager is avoiding me and blowing me off.
Its been at least 2 weeks since I've spoken to him in person or on the phone..
Went out of my way to study (pay) and get a license for this specific job during my first month in hopes and anticipation of having guidance and a mentor
But noe they are lowering my pay to minimum wage? On a draw (I'll never do that again)
But my manager hasn't reached out.
2 other people I work with weirdly stopped checking in with me.
It's a strange environment and i'm moving soon anyways (which I originally signed another lease to just to stay in the city for this job but I was still able to get out of it.
Do I just try and hold out to get that last paycheck while doing nothing
…but I do feel guilty and wondering if I should just resign
Don't want to sign my new pay agreement wondering if they will fire me for that.
(But want to quit the first so I have another month of insurance)

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