
Should I stay or should I start looking?

Like many companies have recently, the one I work for recently laid people off. About 5% of the company. I felt safe at the time, but now I'm starting to wonder if I'm being naive by not actively looking for another job. The company has sent emails in the last few weeks, indicating they are “reopening” two offices (one new, one closed during the pandemic) very soon. I took this to mean they are asking people to come back into the office instead of working at home. My entire team is remote. I'm over a thousand miles away from either of these office locations. The rest of my team is as well (including our Director, who reports to the VP of the company). I was concerned, so I called my manager asking about the emails and if I should prepare to either move in the future – or move on.…

Like many companies have recently, the one I work for recently laid people off. About 5% of the company. I felt safe at the time, but now I'm starting to wonder if I'm being naive by not actively looking for another job.

The company has sent emails in the last few weeks, indicating they are “reopening” two offices (one new, one closed during the pandemic) very soon. I took this to mean they are asking people to come back into the office instead of working at home.

My entire team is remote. I'm over a thousand miles away from either of these office locations. The rest of my team is as well (including our Director, who reports to the VP of the company). I was concerned, so I called my manager asking about the emails and if I should prepare to either move in the future – or move on. He assured me that our team is staying remote and I had nothing to worry about. He seemed very nonchalant about it.

However, I also think that he might be one of the last people to know if this does change, since he is also remote. I've worked in the corporate world a long time and I read this sub everyday. I know a lot of money is being invested in putting people back in an office right now.

It might also be worth it to mention that I have worked remote for almost 6 years – so, before covid. I don't want to give specifics, but I work in a niche area where it is difficult to find experienced people, and so many of us are hired remotely. I have been in the field for over a decade.

I'm just not sure if I'm being complacent and naive in thinking it won't change for my team alone. Thoughts?

Tl;dr: Company is herding people back to the office. Should I move on?

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