
Should i tell the interviewer that I recently turned a parent?

I live in Sweden and here it is illegal to not hire someone or fire them depending on this, but I unfortunately got fired the last time because of this and i turned legal actions against them but they denied the whole thing saying i did not mention i was going to be a father. I was very transparent from the beginning since this is the “correct thing to do”. Now even though i have a lot of years of experience workplaces are giving me bullshit replies like “we found someone more fitting”. And i asked a lot of people if i should even say this and most people say that i should keep it a secret and only mention if it somehow comes up. What do you guys think? And what should i say if the workplace finds out when they hire me (if i keep it a secret)?

I live in Sweden and here it is illegal to not hire someone or fire them depending on this, but I unfortunately got fired the last time because of this and i turned legal actions against them but they denied the whole thing saying i did not mention i was going to be a father. I was very transparent from the beginning since this is the “correct thing to do”.

Now even though i have a lot of years of experience workplaces are giving me bullshit replies like “we found someone more fitting”. And i asked a lot of people if i should even say this and most people say that i should keep it a secret and only mention if it somehow comes up.
What do you guys think?
And what should i say if the workplace finds out when they hire me (if i keep it a secret)?

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