
Should I walk out this morning?

My husband has been sick all weekend and we thought it was just the flu going around. This morning when he got back to work he tested positive for COVID. I started feeling sick last night, threw up, etc… and this morning my chest is really tight and it’s hard for me to talk a lot (which is a big requirement of my job). I called my boss and told him and he asked if I was up to working. I said honestly I’m not but I know with today being a short staff today (all managers are off and it’s just assistants today at each location, all managers have Sunday / Monday off) that there aren’t a lot of options. He agreed we don’t have a lot of options and is trying to get ahold of my manager to come in. I called my mum who was furious. She…

My husband has been sick all weekend and we thought it was just the flu going around. This morning when he got back to work he tested positive for COVID. I started feeling sick last night, threw up, etc… and this morning my chest is really tight and it’s hard for me to talk a lot (which is a big requirement of my job).

I called my boss and told him and he asked if I was up to working. I said honestly I’m not but I know with today being a short staff today (all managers are off and it’s just assistants today at each location, all managers have Sunday / Monday off) that there aren’t a lot of options. He agreed we don’t have a lot of options and is trying to get ahold of my manager to come in.

I called my mum who was furious. She use to own her own business and said if this was her business she would’ve locked up for the day and sent the sick employee home. My husband says the same thing. If my employer doesn’t let me go home… should I just lock up and leave? A large majority of my customer base is elderly people, and the fact I’m alone for hours today with COVID absolutely sucks. What would you do?

I’ve never just left a job before, but I am really scared because when I get a normal cold I get full blown bronchitis most of the time, let alone getting COVID I’m not sure what it could evolve to. I’ve never just up and left but if they don’t care about me enough to let me just sit here all day… why should I care? I’m so torn.

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