
Should we overthrow our government and at what point?

Alright so my main idea is if robots are a thing, then companies will use them instead of people and us slaves won’t profit off of it, the companies will, instead we’ll die from poverty on the streets, but if we can get to the point where robots can build solar panels, turbines, plant and harvest vegetables, build homes and robots, repair robots, etc… then money/companies should be pretty much obsolete right? I think at some point there will come a time where we could have a perfect society that doesn’t require any labor, but the only thing standing in our way would be companies/our government with a big ass military (which is basically owned by the companies already) but anyway at what point should we fight for our freedom? We’re basically slaves now and I don’t think our masters want us to be free any time soon, but I…

Alright so my main idea is if robots are a thing, then companies will use them instead of people and us slaves won’t profit off of it, the companies will, instead we’ll die from poverty on the streets, but if we can get to the point where robots can build solar panels, turbines, plant and harvest vegetables, build homes and robots, repair robots, etc… then money/companies should be pretty much obsolete right? I think at some point there will come a time where we could have a perfect society that doesn’t require any labor, but the only thing standing in our way would be companies/our government with a big ass military (which is basically owned by the companies already) but anyway at what point should we fight for our freedom? We’re basically slaves now and I don’t think our masters want us to be free any time soon, but I believe the technology will be here soon enough and if it’s not used correctly then us slaves will have worse lives.


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