
Shouldn’t have worked but decided to work today and no tips.

Today I worked with a small catering company at a rich house in LA. I got the job through a gigs app that I always work with. It was me and 2 more servers. So I arrived there, started setting up, the lady who lives there tried to help too. She was super nice. Then they asked me to bartend and I accepted. So her family started coming, started making drinks. Just basic things, I was smiling, was talking to them and guess what… Nobody even gave a small tip. Not even a dollar. I didn't let that ruin my mood and then I assisted with bussing and all. All of us were working. At the end of the night we had to move all those big tables again, outside (everything was rental and heavy), we barely got any breaks. So we finished, chef thanked us and we went to…

Today I worked with a small catering company at a rich house in LA. I got the job through a gigs app that I always work with. It was me and 2 more servers.

So I arrived there, started setting up, the lady who lives there tried to help too. She was super nice. Then they asked me to bartend and I accepted. So her family started coming, started making drinks. Just basic things, I was smiling, was talking to them and guess what… Nobody even gave a small tip. Not even a dollar. I didn't let that ruin my mood and then I assisted with bussing and all.

All of us were working. At the end of the night we had to move all those big tables again, outside (everything was rental and heavy), we barely got any breaks. So we finished, chef thanked us and we went to the lady who is the house owner and thanked her telling her we had a great time. She told us, “Thaaank you so much! That was excellent, thank you! Have a good night!”

And nothing else. Didn't even pull $20. And the lady and her husband live in a very rich area in LA. The other server told me how she decided to work and not spend this holiday with her kids because she needed the money. It just shocks me someone who is so rich won't even give a $20 tip on such a day.

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