I'm so glad you have made such an obscene amount of money. All the while capping my promotion to 20% of my current salary even though that raise would have barely set me to the industry minimum for my role.
Even though this is a publicly traded company with thousands of people below you, you've decided to make sweeping rule changes and personally approve and modify promotion offers. Even ones approved before you took over this new “responsibility”.
Even though the VP of my department personally took interest in making sure I got my proper raise. Even though this has been processing because of your bullshit for 9 months.
You cut 10k out of my promotion even though we're recording amazing numbers. Even though I'm directly responsible for a lot of client retention. You literally told my boss if I threaten to quit “good luck, nobody's hiring”.
It's funny because of you I've learned how to read SEC documents and I know my branch of the company would love to know how much you make once I'm on my way out. Sure it was never technically hidden but it was damn sure hard to find. I know I'm not the only one you're screwing over and I guarantee you'll lose way more people when they see how you're treating everyone.