
Sick and making food

Now I've been cooking for some time now and it has occurred to me how messed up this profession really is. If you are an owner/gm/manager/lead, DON'T come to work sick. You come in and get others sick, you feel better, your staff calls out, you act like they are the worst for not working sick. You are serving people food with something contagious, screw this profession in general. Most people have no idea what they are getting into by starting or taking over a restaurant. You don't know better than people cooking for 20+ years with management experience. I get it, you want it to feel like a “family”. It doesn't, most of you cook sub par food, oh look it came frozen from Sysco. Good for f'n you, it's garbage. If you own or manage a restaurant, you better know what you're doing. If not it's your 500+k…

Now I've been cooking for some time now and it has occurred to me how messed up this profession really is. If you are an owner/gm/manager/lead, DON'T come to work sick. You come in and get others sick, you feel better, your staff calls out, you act like they are the worst for not working sick. You are serving people food with something contagious, screw this profession in general. Most people have no idea what they are getting into by starting or taking over a restaurant. You don't know better than people cooking for 20+ years with management experience. I get it, you want it to feel like a “family”. It doesn't, most of you cook sub par food, oh look it came frozen from Sysco. Good for f'n you, it's garbage. If you own or manage a restaurant, you better know what you're doing. If not it's your 500+k you just wasted. I hate cooking and burned. I'm done.

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