
Sick and Tired of Being Squeezed Like a Lemon

I am so sick and tired of being exploited by every company I've ever worked for. It's caused me nothing but lifelong health problems and stress. Yes, I should have learned my lesson early and did the bare minimum but even now, as I am trying to do the minimum, the expectations are so unreasonable that the bare minimum amounts to a 12 hr day. If I don't then I lose my job with nothing to fall back on. How do I keep my sanity without losing my job? Or any job I've ever had. I'm salaried so I don't get OT and the company has “unlimited” PTO so that's their excuse.

I am so sick and tired of being exploited by every company I've ever worked for. It's caused me nothing but lifelong health problems and stress.

Yes, I should have learned my lesson early and did the bare minimum but even now, as I am trying to do the minimum, the expectations are so unreasonable that the bare minimum amounts to a 12 hr day.

If I don't then I lose my job with nothing to fall back on. How do I keep my sanity without losing my job? Or any job I've ever had.

I'm salaried so I don't get OT and the company has “unlimited” PTO so that's their excuse.

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