
Sick days are for when you’re hospitalized, not sick at home.

So, this happened a couple months back. Had food poisoning, was out of work for two days. No big deal, I had sick leave, so I should be fine, right? Well, I get my next paycheck, and it's ~20%, a whole $100, smaller than normal. What? I check my balances. No sick days used. I check with my boss. He says the only way you can use sick leave is if you're sick for more than three days, and have a doctor's note. He's clearly mad at the corporate policy, too.

So, this happened a couple months back. Had food poisoning, was out of work for two days. No big deal, I had sick leave, so I should be fine, right?

Well, I get my next paycheck, and it's ~20%, a whole $100, smaller than normal. What? I check my balances. No sick days used. I check with my boss. He says the only way you can use sick leave is if you're sick for more than three days, and have a doctor's note. He's clearly mad at the corporate policy, too.

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