
Sick of it all

I have nothing productive to contribute. I just want to vent. I'm sick of getting the fuzzy end of the lollypop at work. I'm actively applying and am waiting for my turn to jump ship. It seems like we're losing somebody every couple of weeks and management isn't doing anything to stop the hemorrhage or even hire replacements. Those of us remaining are expected to pick up the slack of those who were lucky enough to get out. It gets old. My immediate supervisor is a dream. That's the one thing keeping me going.

I have nothing productive to contribute. I just want to vent. I'm sick of getting the fuzzy end of the lollypop at work. I'm actively applying and am waiting for my turn to jump ship. It seems like we're losing somebody every couple of weeks and management isn't doing anything to stop the hemorrhage or even hire replacements. Those of us remaining are expected to pick up the slack of those who were lucky enough to get out. It gets old. My immediate supervisor is a dream. That's the one thing keeping me going.

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