
Sick of this crap

So for the last 5 years I have worked for a before and after school program affiliated with my county's Parks and Rec. I work around 20 hours a week and almost 40 in the summers. The first summer was fine if not stressful and busy (anyone who has worked with children will tell you this). Then into my first school year things began to go downhill. I was constantly being talked to about stupid things. I stuck it out and into the second summer things again got worse. I was accused of being inappropriate with the little girls. This was because they liked me and would climb on me/sit in my lap to play and hug me. Those accusations made me physically sick. Of course it was unfounded bullshit. The female staff (I am the only guy) would do the same things with no consequence. Even the mere accusation…

So for the last 5 years I have worked for a before and after school program affiliated with my county's Parks and Rec. I work around 20 hours a week and almost 40 in the summers. The first summer was fine if not stressful and busy (anyone who has worked with children will tell you this). Then into my first school year things began to go downhill. I was constantly being talked to about stupid things. I stuck it out and into the second summer things again got worse. I was accused of being inappropriate with the little girls. This was because they liked me and would climb on me/sit in my lap to play and hug me. Those accusations made me physically sick. Of course it was unfounded bullshit. The female staff (I am the only guy) would do the same things with no consequence. Even the mere accusation of such a thing can ruin a person's life. It was because I was a guy. Later in the school year I was accused again because when putting stuff away in the office children would run in and close the door thinking they were being funny. When I would tell them to open the door and get out they wouldn't and would block the door. So again I was talked to and proved that this was unfounded bullshit that only happened because I was a guy. I was already getting very pissed off.
Just before my third summer I was almost at my wits end. I was burned out because kids will do that to you. We had had a meet and greet over the weekend with parents to visit. Almost no one came to it and was a waste of time. I was slightly late to it but so were others. One day I had to stop by the government office to drop off some paperwork before going to work. The staff shirt I was wearing had a hole in it that I didn't realize. My boss's boss comments on it and I shrug it off. I get to work and my boss asked me to go back home and change my shirt because the program head noticed the hole. I asked why didn't she ask me to go home when I was at the office. My boss said that the program head just assumed I would. I was like, no because then I would've been late. So again getting to my breaking point.That week I took my cat to the vet and discovered she had cancer. I was at the vet for a long time and called work to tell them I would be late. I was incredibly emotional when I got to work so my boss decided to talk with me. She brought up my attitude, me being late, and some other absolute bullshit. I went off accusing them of harassment. How I am always being singled out, the child stuff, etc. I actually started crying because of everything. My boss sent me home.
I didn't hear anymore for a while until I was accused by another staff member of sexual harassment. I was shocked and confused about this. My boss's handled it and I thought it was over with. Apparently this staff member was not satisfied with this out come and went to the county administration. While on my shift I had leave early and was put on administrative leave. After an investigation that lasted way too long (gotta love beurocracy) it was found that the accusation was unfounded. Even though I didn't do anything I was once again humiliated and my character tarnished.
Shortly thereafter covid hit and we were forced to shut down for a little bit. Fast forward a month into covid we reopen for emergency rec as essential employees. We got no pay increase and no hazard pay. Instead everything regarding wages, spending were frozen. So I didn't even get a paltry cost of living increase.
Now in my fifth year children's behavior keeps getting worse and worse with the abuse heaped on staff being awful. Management does nothing to help, we don't have the staff, and the staff we do have is not happy. I try to build reports with the children and am very liked. Children want to hug me and see me as a big goof ball. I joke around and make them laugh. Well last week an older kid in the program who was not with us yet as he was doing an after-school activity was walking by while I was waiting for some children to exit the bathroom. He looked at me but said nothing as he was with others and was “too cool” to say anything to me. To joke with him and say hey, I flicked my marker at him. I thought nothing of it but later my boss and the program head told me that the incident had been reported and that I had to leave. So once again I am on administrative leave and completely humiliated. I am so sick of all this shit. I mainly worked retail before this job except for 3 years I was a caregiver for my grandmother who had lung cancer as well as my 90 year old grandfather. I have never put up with more crap.

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