
Since when is salary transparency an option?

Multiple. MULTIPLE. Recruiters have messaged me to poach me (Nurse Manager) and beat around the bush with their salary budget, avoiding questions etc…. Finally get to the numbers and I go online and screen shot the ad and other posts that show a salary range 20k higher…. “That's not the correct salary we offer”…. Cool, thanks for the bait and switch; I'll simply report you to the posting boards. And I'll report you to the necessity persons for violating salary transparency laws!!! Good day, and thanks for wasting me time.

Multiple. MULTIPLE. Recruiters have messaged me to poach me (Nurse Manager) and beat around the bush with their salary budget, avoiding questions etc…. Finally get to the numbers and I go online and screen shot the ad and other posts that show a salary range 20k higher…. “That's not the correct salary we offer”…. Cool, thanks for the bait and switch; I'll simply report you to the posting boards. And I'll report you to the necessity persons for violating salary transparency laws!!! Good day, and thanks for wasting me time.

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