
Sisters job publicly embarrassed her

My sister (28F) has worked at a local factory for the last 4 years. (Backstory, my sister has a pretty bad documented learning disability that affects her ability to read write and communicate fluently she also has adhd, anxiety, & depression.) My sisters father also has Huntington’s and it’s very likely that she does as well. She displays very like and exaggerated symptoms. She has not been tested for this yet… as for Huntington’s testing you have to be able to pass a psych evaluation before knowing the outcome as it often results in a high rate of suicide. Onto the story, my sister was late 4 times in the last 6 months due to weather in Wisconsin. These lates ranged from an average of 2-5 minutes. She lives in the rural country as well as the factory she works at. My sister was pulled into the office in front…

My sister (28F) has worked at a local factory for the last 4 years.

(Backstory, my sister has a pretty bad documented learning disability that affects her ability to read write and communicate fluently she also has adhd, anxiety, & depression.) My sisters father also has Huntington’s and it’s very likely that she does as well. She displays very like and exaggerated symptoms. She has not been tested for this yet… as for Huntington’s testing you have to be able to pass a psych evaluation before knowing the outcome as it often results in a high rate of suicide.

Onto the story, my sister was late 4 times in the last 6 months due to weather in Wisconsin. These lates ranged from an average of 2-5 minutes. She lives in the rural country as well as the factory she works at.

My sister was pulled into the office in front of a group of people and asked to write a letter and explain how she was going to be better and keep this job.

My sister asked about spelling, grammar ect and was told it does not matter. She wrote saying how she could leave sooner to account for weather ect.

She was then instructed to read this letter in front of numerous supervisors and HR. After reading this letter out loud, HR said “this doesn’t convince me you want this job, you can go home.”

My sister asked “I don’t understand what you are asking, what do you want me to write?”

They confiscated the letter…said “we’re going to read this again with everyone and make a decision.”

She was escorted out of the building and informed they would call tomorrow with a decision.

They called her an hour later with termination.

She is beyond distraught. Not that they fired her…but that they made her a laughing stalk in front of multiple people. (She has a doctors note on file for her severe anxiety disorder and was exempt during Covid from wearing mask; so they are very aware of her disabilities)

I know I am probably blowing this out of proportion, but as a big sister my heart breaks for her. I just wish I could have protected her, and now she will struggle financially on top of emotionally.

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