
Sitting or standing at work all day is not good for the body.

I'm sure this subject has been posted on here multiple times in different ways, but it's always good for a refresher. I've been working in the electrical field for at least a year or two now. I've been in confined cramped spaces were you need to crawl or standing up on a ladder. Today I was installing receptacles placed at a height I could work on sitting down on my tool box. The main supervisor came by and made a comment. “Back in my day you would be kicked off a job if you were sitting on a bucket putting in outlets…” My response was “I'm sorry your boss didn't have any consideration for your physical health.” He was taken back, but in a surprised way which lead him to say “yeah I know, I feel it in my knees every day…” Basically I think he was trying to get…

I'm sure this subject has been posted on here multiple times in different ways, but it's always good for a refresher.

I've been working in the electrical field for at least a year or two now. I've been in confined cramped spaces were you need to crawl or standing up on a ladder. Today I was installing receptacles placed at a height I could work on sitting down on my tool box.

The main supervisor came by and made a comment. “Back in my day you would be kicked off a job if you were sitting on a bucket putting in outlets…” My response was “I'm sorry your boss didn't have any consideration for your physical health.” He was taken back, but in a surprised way which lead him to say “yeah I know, I feel it in my knees every day…”

Basically I think he was trying to get me to respond back in an uncouth manner, but I think my response triggered his mind hopefully getting him to think that all these years when there was the opportunity to be in a more comfortable position while working that opportunity shouldn't have been squandered.

Gets me thinking though how many bosses don't think or feel like this and associate standing up all day as a sign of hard work while in reality it's quite the opposite. Even people who work desk jobs and sit all day that's no good either especially for your posture and back.

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