
Small business owner vs traditional employment

Has anyone in this subreddit had any experience with leaving the traditional workforce to open up a small business? What are the pros and cons? Did it improve your quality of life? Would you recommend this? I have had a dream since childhood to open up a neighborhood skate shop and this year have begun to pursue it. The main reasons this attracts me are thus: – I don’t like commuting and I love the idea not having to drive or take the subway to work everyday. – I’d like to have more control over the kind of salary I can make. I have had a lot of experience with fighting hard for raises only for them to be given to me just in time for inflation. – I have never got jaded or tired by skateboarding and extreme sports in general. It’s the only thing in my life that…

Has anyone in this subreddit had any experience with leaving the traditional workforce to open up a small business? What are the pros and cons? Did it improve your quality of life? Would you recommend this?
I have had a dream since childhood to open up a neighborhood skate shop and this year have begun to pursue it. The main reasons this attracts me are thus:
– I don’t like commuting and I love the idea not having to drive or take the subway to work everyday.
– I’d like to have more control over the kind of salary I can make. I have had a lot of experience with fighting hard for raises only for them to be given to me just in time for inflation.
– I have never got jaded or tired by skateboarding and extreme sports in general. It’s the only thing in my life that I don’t ever feel that I need a break from, apart from maybe my cats lol.
Looking for just knowledge or advice in general. Not trying to be rich or anything just want to have a better quality of life. I’ve worked in some cutthroat industries and I’m ready for a change.

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