
Small post, little victories

My dad is a boomer and preparing to retire. He spent most of my childhood on the road working, so he totally understands why my generation (Millennials) and the next generation want better working conditions. He got a call today from one of his associates letting my father know he is quitting. His associate is 34. My father and him work in power distribution and when certain people leave companies, it can cause many delays to major systems, so letting buddies know is appreciated. Turns out a few boomers thought it was a good idea to lay down two new rules on this 34 year old: 1) You no longer have weekends off. You will take two days off during the week, that we dictate. These days can be changed by us at anytime, including the day of. 2) Mandatory overtime will be required and can be mandated upon you…

My dad is a boomer and preparing to retire. He spent most of my childhood on the road working, so he totally understands why my generation (Millennials) and the next generation want better working conditions.

He got a call today from one of his associates letting my father know he is quitting. His associate is 34. My father and him work in power distribution and when certain people leave companies, it can cause many delays to major systems, so letting buddies know is appreciated.

Turns out a few boomers thought it was a good idea to lay down two new rules on this 34 year old:

1) You no longer have weekends off. You will take two days off during the week, that we dictate. These days can be changed by us at anytime, including the day of.

2) Mandatory overtime will be required and can be mandated upon you at anytime. You will be required to work past 5 if we think we need you that day.

The guys response? He put in his two weeks and walked out. He said the boomers jaws dropped. They really thought he was living paycheck to paycheck and needed them more than they needed him. He plans to take 3 weeks off and relax, but knowing how small the industry is, he will have offers by the end of tomorrow.

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