
small towns are the worst

i lived a bit south of philly from birth until 21. i moved to missouri and these jobs fire after 2 weeks. i could keep jobs as long as i wanted to out there but out here they fire like crazy. what is the deal with this? it'll be for no reason besides they don't like me. it's ridiculous. and it's really hard to live like this, I've gone through 3 jobs this year. two of which fired after 2 weeks. i can't figure it out. i do my job and i do my best because im living paycheck to paycheck… and in return i get fired. it's obliterating my mental health

i lived a bit south of philly from birth until 21. i moved to missouri and these jobs fire after 2 weeks. i could keep jobs as long as i wanted to out there but out here they fire like crazy. what is the deal with this? it'll be for no reason besides they don't like me. it's ridiculous. and it's really hard to live like this, I've gone through 3 jobs this year. two of which fired after 2 weeks. i can't figure it out. i do my job and i do my best because im living paycheck to paycheck… and in return i get fired. it's obliterating my mental health

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