
Small Victory for Antiwork, ex-company gave in.

I'm pleased to share that a previous company I worked at but still have a few friends there, has given in. One of the ex-workers is going back to the company as they increased their pay by $7/hour. I could write a novel or at least a lengthy page of why and how the company and specifically the department was left with only management left working*. Instead, I'll save the readers a lot of time and summarize. The company has been making record breaking profits year after year and the workload has increased yearly, without respectable increases, work-life balance or hiring more workers. They downsized their corporate office, not the people, the work and sent it to the sites. Then downsized the sites, the people, not the work. This resulted in a collapse of the department which had a domino effect to the entire site and so-on. I would like…

I'm pleased to share that a previous company I worked at but still have a few friends there, has given in. One of the ex-workers is going back to the company as they increased their pay by $7/hour. I could write a novel or at least a lengthy page of why and how the company and specifically the department was left with only management left working*. Instead, I'll save the readers a lot of time and summarize. The company has been making record breaking profits year after year and the workload has increased yearly, without respectable increases, work-life balance or hiring more workers. They downsized their corporate office, not the people, the work and sent it to the sites. Then downsized the sites, the people, not the work. This resulted in a collapse of the department which had a domino effect to the entire site and so-on. I would like to say this company put its best foot forward and gave an honest effort but nope. Quite the opposite. Finally, in the panic of this collapse they gave the entire department a $7 increase across the board. The worksite is a disaster but perhaps paying a respectable wage they can hire some ambitions workers then try to recover. One company down, still a lot more to go. Hang in there, folks! Progress!

Site Dpt in 2019: 14 employees, 2 working site locations and zero remote
Site Dpt in 2020: 6 employees, 2 working site locations and 3 remote
Site Dpt in 2021: 4 employees, 2 working site locations and 4 remote
Site Dpt in 2022: 3 employees, 1 working site location and 5 remote

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