
SO demoted from Teacher to Sub

My SO works at a charter school in southern California, I will be masking details to hide this school's identity as there is a lot going on there and the person in charge(PIC) is not above retaliation. It is an absolute shitshow to the point that there is a faction of people working together to have the admin removed by the board ASAP. The PIC is toxic, inept, a terrible communicator, and unqualified to run a school. Recently this PIC has fired a few teachers, telling them that they are “terrible at their jobs” and “to find a new profession.” Now, my SO has found themselves under the crosshair of the PIC. As the title says, SO has been informed that they will not be teaching the class that they have been teaching all school year and instead will be the in-house sub(with no loss of pay). The PIC has…

My SO works at a charter school in southern California, I will be masking details to hide this school's identity as there is a lot going on there and the person in charge(PIC) is not above retaliation. It is an absolute shitshow to the point that there is a faction of people working together to have the admin removed by the board ASAP. The PIC is toxic, inept, a terrible communicator, and unqualified to run a school. Recently this PIC has fired a few teachers, telling them that they are “terrible at their jobs” and “to find a new profession.” Now, my SO has found themselves under the crosshair of the PIC. As the title says, SO has been informed that they will not be teaching the class that they have been teaching all school year and instead will be the in-house sub(with no loss of pay). The PIC has been known to implement ethically and legally gray strategies in the school and this whole thing smacks of that. So, my question is: “Does my SO have any recourse?”

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