
So happy to change my schedule so my boss coworker can continue their relationship.

No I'm not. That was sarcasm. I'm pissed. I've had the same days off for nearly the whole two years I've worked there. I plan my life around those days. A few months ago my coworker started fucking our direct supervisor. They kept it under wraps as long as they could but eventually there was preferential treatment, someone ratted them out, and word made it up the chain. They can't work on the same shifts anymore, so of course me and a couple other people get our schedules messed up. I understand short staffing and needing to be flexible for a week here and there. I do not see a need to be flexible when my employers unethical work practices are what is messing with the schedule.

No I'm not. That was sarcasm. I'm pissed. I've had the same days off for nearly the whole two years I've worked there. I plan my life around those days. A few months ago my coworker started fucking our direct supervisor. They kept it under wraps as long as they could but eventually there was preferential treatment, someone ratted them out, and word made it up the chain. They can't work on the same shifts anymore, so of course me and a couple other people get our schedules messed up. I understand short staffing and needing to be flexible for a week here and there. I do not see a need to be flexible when my employers unethical work practices are what is messing with the schedule.

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