
So I got fired due to my mental health condition

I got fired for my mental health today So I got fired today, they’re reasoning was that I had “To many emotional outbursts and was distracting to the trainer and the other class members”. Some context, I was in a 9 week training period for a job. I was doing all the work and was one of the top members in my training group when it came to attendance, performance and scores. This class did not come without it’s bumps, we started out with 18 and by week three had 11 due to one particular student who could not grasp the concept of the job we where training for. And when she was told she was wrong she would get verbal and at on point physical. And then we went down too 8 as some drama happened between certain class members and one quit while one got fired. Now onto…

I got fired for my mental health today

So I got fired today, they’re reasoning was that I had “To many emotional outbursts and was distracting to the trainer and the other class members”.

Some context, I was in a 9 week training period for a job. I was doing all the work and was one of the top members in my training group when it came to attendance, performance and scores. This class did not come without it’s bumps, we started out with 18 and by week three had 11 due to one particular student who could not grasp the concept of the job we where training for. And when she was told she was wrong she would get verbal and at on point physical. And then we went down too 8 as some drama happened between certain class members and one quit while one got fired.

Now onto me, these class rooms where small and the noise would echo. I get overstimulated as I have extreme anxiety and depression which I’m medicated for but recently the medications haven’t been working. I just got insurance so I was planning on seeing a therapist but until then I was pushing on like a normal human. I had a few times where the overstimulation made me cry so I removed myself for a couple of minutes with the teachers permission and then I would return. I had a panic attack one day as one of the class mates got mad and yelled in my face triggering a episode. But again I removed myself from the room, spoke with the teacher who said I was fine and returned to class. Everyones performance stayed the same and the duties we where doing did not get affected. When they sent me home telling me they where investigating if they wanted to keep me employed I explained my medical condition. But I was still fired, I am hurt, sad and angry

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