
So I got laid off

And I’m so angry. I spent 6 months as middle management fighting my staff for wage rises they deserved, only to be told that I hadn’t done a good enough job and so long. No training provided, pick it all up as you go and now out the door. I hope all of the production staff quit for better pay the whole division is a joke. To all of you on the bottom rung, you aren’t alone. Everyone is disposable and they will dump anyone at a moments notice.

And I’m so angry. I spent 6 months as middle management fighting my staff for wage rises they deserved, only to be told that I hadn’t done a good enough job and so long. No training provided, pick it all up as you go and now out the door. I hope all of the production staff quit for better pay the whole division is a joke. To all of you on the bottom rung, you aren’t alone. Everyone is disposable and they will dump anyone at a moments notice.

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