
So I wanted a group opinion…

My friend recently got fired from his job in MD. He was flirting with one of his coworkers over the course of the month he worked there. Outside work hours they talked and exchanged nudes, consentually. The day before he got fired, said girl slapped his butt and he shrugged it off as playfulness and more flirting. The next day he does the same thing. Within an hr his manager pulls him for a conversation and fires him for undisclosed reasons. Should he gile a vlaim against her? If so would he have a good case if hr ignores him? (He said they have been negligent in getting back with previous questions he had and thinks they won’t care) Edit: They were secluded when he assaulted her. He accepts his penalty. He wants her fired for basically playing with him. She was being nice and flirting all the way until…

My friend recently got fired from his job in MD. He was flirting with one of his coworkers over the course of the month he worked there. Outside work hours they talked and exchanged nudes, consentually. The day before he got fired, said girl slapped his butt and he shrugged it off as playfulness and more flirting. The next day he does the same thing. Within an hr his manager pulls him for a conversation and fires him for undisclosed reasons. Should he gile a vlaim against her? If so would he have a good case if hr ignores him? (He said they have been negligent in getting back with previous questions he had and thinks they won’t care)

Edit: They were secluded when he assaulted her. He accepts his penalty. He wants her fired for basically playing with him. She was being nice and flirting all the way until he slapped her ass then after he was fired she basically went ghost. No clear proof it was her but it seems fishy

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