
So I was hired to do a TV production job but it’s turned into a lot of physical labor

I was hired recently by an Entertainment Production higher up as a job title that’s higher than any production job I’ve ever taken. When I was hired I was told Id be making my own schedule, working on things for the production, and occasionally doing different errands/jobs for the higher up that didn’t pertain to the production. That all has completely gone out the window and now I just do a ton of physical labor and errands. At first I thought I was being tested to see how much of a hard worker I am but I am now realizing that I’ve basically just become this persons assistant. I have done a ton of cleaning, heavy lifting, and other things that I was never told would be apart of my job. I was so excited to work on this project and have a higher title but it seems that that…

I was hired recently by an Entertainment Production higher up as a job title that’s higher than any production job I’ve ever taken. When I was hired I was told Id be making my own schedule, working on things for the production, and occasionally doing different errands/jobs for the higher up that didn’t pertain to the production. That all has completely gone out the window and now I just do a ton of physical labor and errands. At first I thought I was being tested to see how much of a hard worker I am but I am now realizing that I’ve basically just become this persons assistant. I have done a ton of cleaning, heavy lifting, and other things that I was never told would be apart of my job. I was so excited to work on this project and have a higher title but it seems that that has been quickly ripped from underneath me. I work 8-12 (sometimes up to 15) hours a day M-F (sometimes Saturday as well) and I don’t make nearly as much as other people who do this job. I also have to constantly remind them to pay me and then they get agitated at me when I remind them. Idk where I’m going with this I just needed to vent lol I am just sad and lost

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