
So I’m Entitled. So What?

It ticks me off that I get told I’m entitled and that I have a chip on my shoulder because I’m a millennial. I mostly get told this by coworkers (older ones). Well, you would be too if you were me. Went to college to get into debt because I wanted to work in IT and have a better paying job. Too many people are doing IT (IT is not the same as Programmers). Not a lot of businesses hire a lot of people for their IT department that’s if they even have an IT Department. (Fun Fact. Had a coworker asked me if working in IT was worth it compared to what I was making when I was working 7 days a week and getting double pay on Sundays. Only time off was holidays, using points, or any vacation you get. Maybe I wanted my fucking weekends off like…

It ticks me off that I get told I’m entitled and that I have a chip on my shoulder because I’m a millennial. I mostly get told this by coworkers (older ones). Well, you would be too if you were me.

Went to college to get into debt because I wanted to work in IT and have a better paying job. Too many people are doing IT (IT is not the same as Programmers). Not a lot of businesses hire a lot of people for their IT department that’s if they even have an IT Department.

(Fun Fact. Had a coworker asked me if working in IT was worth it compared to what I was making when I was working 7 days a week and getting double pay on Sundays. Only time off was holidays, using points, or any vacation you get. Maybe I wanted my fucking weekends off like she did. Also, Nebraska does not have a labor law about working 7 days a week nonstop. Done quit this job already after wasting 3 years total there.)

(Also this was the same factory where the plant manager told me “You are more useful to me running these machines than working in IT” a few days after I applied for an IT job opening there.)

I do not want to work second shift anymore. Only reason I do is because of pay.

I want to buy a house. Well did, not anymore.

I want to own a car that I did not have to throw money at to get it fix every so often.

I want to be able to take care of my fiancée because she cannot work due to her back problems. (Yes, she tried over and over to get on disability. Even if she did, she would lose it once we get married. She gets free health insurance right now, but will lose it when we get married.)

I want to have a kid or two someday. Well shit. Lets throw that one out of the window.

Tired working with meth heads and other druggies. Along with the few dumbass people and the wannabe Billy badasses.

Tired of the people at work that treat me like I’m mentally disable because of my speech impediment.

I want a normal sleep habit.

Tired of people saying “Your still young”. I’m 35, not getting any younger here.

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