
So .. is there anything I can do about hating work? Or is this it for the next 40 years?

I (25F) hate my job. I used to work in the service industry which was terrible, and I was pretty much living paycheck to paycheck. I knew I had to make more money to be able to afford the life I wanted, so I got into corporate. As terrible as the service industry was, at least work stayed at work – when I was off, I didn't have to give an ounce more of my time or thoughts to the job. Now that I work in corporate (HR) I have people messaging me on the weekends and after hours, and I'm expected to be responsive. I hate every hour during work as well – the fakeness, passive aggressiveness, and company politics are absolutely fucking nauseating. The made-up bullshit projects that people create and make me help them with just to look busy. The god damn performance reviews. This is also…

I (25F) hate my job. I used to work in the service industry which was terrible, and I was pretty much living paycheck to paycheck. I knew I had to make more money to be able to afford the life I wanted, so I got into corporate.

As terrible as the service industry was, at least work stayed at work – when I was off, I didn't have to give an ounce more of my time or thoughts to the job. Now that I work in corporate (HR) I have people messaging me on the weekends and after hours, and I'm expected to be responsive. I hate every hour during work as well – the fakeness, passive aggressiveness, and company politics are absolutely fucking nauseating. The made-up bullshit projects that people create and make me help them with just to look busy. The god damn performance reviews. This is also my second corporate position, while better than my last, both are terrible.

So anyways… I know we're all mainly here for the same reason. But like … is there anything I can actually do about this? Is there a job not in the corporate world where I can make decent money and not hate my life, or do I just need to find a way to enjoy life while hating work? I feel like once I accept what the answer to that question is, I'll be able to move forward. I just feel stuck right now.

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