
So my manager is super hurt I told a coworker that I think she (manager) doesn’t like me, and I don’t understand how that’s hurtful?

She said it was hurtful but I wasn’t exactly talking trash about her. I said “I have a feeling she might not like me” and they said it’s probably just a feeling and I agreed that it may be my perception. Anyways I cleared it up with her but I don’t understand why it was such a big deal. We barely talked to each other anyways as I didn’t work with her as much anyways + did my job perfectly fine. And I had solid reasons to believe that she may not like me. In the end she did end that convo with a hug after I apologized (she apologized too when I gave her the reasons of why I felt she didn’t like me). But like would y’all do that as managers?

She said it was hurtful but I wasn’t exactly talking trash about her. I said “I have a feeling she might not like me” and they said it’s probably just a feeling and I agreed that it may be my perception.

Anyways I cleared it up with her but I don’t understand why it was such a big deal. We barely talked to each other anyways as I didn’t work with her as much anyways + did my job perfectly fine.

And I had solid reasons to believe that she may not like me. In the end she did end that convo with a hug after I apologized (she apologized too when I gave her the reasons of why I felt she didn’t like me).

But like would y’all do that as managers?

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