
So sick and tired of being shrugged off when I express I am getting overwhelmed.

This happens all the time. Somehow my two coworkers have all the time in the world to chit chat and gossip on and off all day, leave early, and scroll their phones nearly all day. They’re sales, I’m a customer service rep. I get work PILED HIGH onto my shoulders. I cannot even begin to write all my normal daily tasks, and the random tasks that are added on because this post would become a book. But what’s even more frustrating than having a to-do list that is literally impossible to keep up with, while my coworkers goof off most the day, it’s being dismissed when I express that I am getting overwhelmed. That I’m concerned that everything I’m asked to do, and need to do, will not be able to be completed. They say “why are you overwhelmed? You shouldn’t be?” Or tell me to suck it up, in…

This happens all the time. Somehow my two coworkers have all the time in the world to chit chat and gossip on and off all day, leave early, and scroll their phones nearly all day. They’re sales, I’m a customer service rep.

I get work PILED HIGH onto my shoulders. I cannot even begin to write all my normal daily tasks, and the random tasks that are added on because this post would become a book.

But what’s even more frustrating than having a to-do list that is literally impossible to keep up with, while my coworkers goof off most the day, it’s being dismissed when I express that I am getting overwhelmed. That I’m concerned that everything I’m asked to do, and need to do, will not be able to be completed. They say “why are you overwhelmed? You shouldn’t be?” Or tell me to suck it up, in so many words. But not once do they offer to help, or pick up any slack. Just “you don’t need to feel overwhelmed.”

Well, I do.

It’s getting to where, as long as the customers are taken care of, the rest of the stuff will either get done or it won’t. I feel so damn defeated…

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