
So sick of How My Office Treats Me

I used to be so grateful for my current job after I was terminated (unfairly, meaning no warnings, no IP in an at will state and they tried to appeal my UI) and they gave me a raise and a chance to work only a week after my termination. Now I see they were just desperate to get a body into the desk. I am o my 1 of 2 in my position at a very small office, the other worker gets to work remote 2 days a week (and takes advantage to work more when she can, good for her, frustrating for me) and I am required to work in office all 5 days a week. I am so tired of being told “No” to every request and have discovered I have been lied to as well. I was lied to when I asked for a clarification on sick…

I used to be so grateful for my current job after I was terminated (unfairly, meaning no warnings, no IP in an at will state and they tried to appeal my UI) and they gave me a raise and a chance to work only a week after my termination.

Now I see they were just desperate to get a body into the desk. I am o my 1 of 2 in my position at a very small office, the other worker gets to work remote 2 days a week (and takes advantage to work more when she can, good for her, frustrating for me) and I am required to work in office all 5 days a week.

I am so tired of being told “No” to every request and have discovered I have been lied to as well. I was lied to when I asked for a clarification on sick leave and was told “you can use it just like PTO” only to find out 6 months later that that is actually not the case. Sadly I don’t have anything in writing (and trust me I looked) it was all said over phone conversations as the office manager tried to rush me into making a decision on accepting the offer. I was also gaslighted when we discussed the sick leave and I said I trusted I could use sick leave how I needed to since I only get 6.66 hours of PTO per month which isn’t very fair to me if sick leave policy is what you are saying it is. There are many many other last straws, but this is getting long enough.

Now here I am looking to find a new job while having to grit my teeth and not lose my absolute s* on the office manager and management in general when all I want to do is call them liars and villains. I will never work for a small firm/business ever again, they have soured me against it.

Not even sure I’ll even give notice as they don’t pay out PTO either.

They have called me reliable and dependable, but they certainly are not for me.

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