Myself and a co-worker got called into a branch meeting this morning (note, it is a small branch, an office of 6 people, 1 of whom is sales and wasn’t there). The meeting basically started off with, “I know everyone is stressed, but we need to get along and be professional.” He literally said you need to be like Thumper from Bambi. (Yes, that happened) Couldn’t give valid reason why we were having this meeting or what the cause was.
For background, there are 3 facets of our business, parts, service and sales. All 3 facets have sales goals and service constantly uses parts sales to bolster their numbers to cover up their short comings.
Our branch manager, who isn’t much of a manager at all because he only manages fires that he creates by ignoring customer request basically told everyone if you don’t like the way things are you can find another job because this is the way we have always done things and it’s not changing. (Then turns to the branch coordinator that works with all the departments and has been here for 20+ years and say, “Except you, this place would fall apart without you.”)
Myself and my co-worker work in parts, literally have no management involved and are doing better in sales of parts than anyone at the branch, ever. I’m baffled that the branch manager has a job and probably only does because he refuses to be confrontational, even when necessary.
We’re both fed up with the way this is working out and basically get told the service advisor (who’s title is dispatcher) is in charge when the branch manager is gone. His personality is a complete 180 of the manager and is sure to cause HR issues galore (he already has with a few people).
This has to stop, but no one at the home office seems to care.
Anyone have any comments or advice?
TL;DR Shit has hit a boiling point at my workplace and rather than do anything about it, the manager literal said there is the door if you don’t like it.
Edit: fix autocorrect stuff