
So what kind of work needs to be done?

Wealthy people have enough wealth to hire labor at dirt cheap price to create more wealth for them. Poor people are the dirt cheap labor the wealthy hire and their living expenses are too high to be able to hire the labor of wealth producers, so their wealth doesn’t grow despite producing most of the wealth. What kind of work needs to be done so that the worker class providing dirt cheap labor makes more than enough money not only for their own living expenses but for the demands of their landlords and bankers so that they can hire wealth producers to produce wealth for themselves?

Wealthy people have enough wealth to hire labor at dirt cheap price to create more wealth for them. Poor people are the dirt cheap labor the wealthy hire and their living expenses are too high to be able to hire the labor of wealth producers, so their wealth doesn’t grow despite producing most of the wealth. What kind of work needs to be done so that the worker class providing dirt cheap labor makes more than enough money not only for their own living expenses but for the demands of their landlords and bankers so that they can hire wealth producers to produce wealth for themselves?

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