
So when does my PTO come back?

I used all of mine up last year because my sister got covid and I had to use a lot of my sick days on that because my company had a mandatory 5-day quarantine with no covid days ( so I just had to use my own time on something the company was forcing me to do, I also get it but it happened right after the company stopped giving employees COVID sick days.). Then I used up the rest on things that I needed to take off. My vacation day hours are at 0 my sick day hours are at 0. All of the days I could have off are at 0. With this new year coming I thought it would be up at the beginning of this work week but still nothing. What do I do?

I used all of mine up last year because my sister got covid and I had to use a lot of my sick days on that because my company had a mandatory 5-day quarantine with no covid days ( so I just had to use my own time on something the company was forcing me to do, I also get it but it happened right after the company stopped giving employees COVID sick days.). Then I used up the rest on things that I needed to take off. My vacation day hours are at 0 my sick day hours are at 0. All of the days I could have off are at 0. With this new year coming I thought it would be up at the beginning of this work week but still nothing. What do I do?

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