
So you expect me to come in for training, but won’t discuss my pay?

I was hired for a part-time position at a small local business. They have me come in to sign the new hire paperwork…they did not discuss nor mention my hourly wage during the interviewing process. The employer sections of the paperwork were not filled out and also did not show how much I would be paid. I’m like wtf…That’s a first for me. I desperately signed the paperwork anyway because I really need the income. So yeah, that was my dumb decision making. I go into work for 2 days last week for training. Did not have a lick of time to talk to my manager. So today I sent them a message asking to confirm my pay and they tell me that “they don’t know right off the top of their head” and are waiting for the owner to confirm. Haven’t heard anything and I’m expected to come in…

I was hired for a part-time position at a small local business. They have me come in to sign the new hire paperwork…they did not discuss nor mention my hourly wage during the interviewing process. The employer sections of the paperwork were not filled out and also did not show how much I would be paid. I’m like wtf…That’s a first for me. I desperately signed the paperwork anyway because I really need the income. So yeah, that was my dumb decision making. I go into work for 2 days last week for training. Did not have a lick of time to talk to my manager. So today I sent them a message asking to confirm my pay and they tell me that “they don’t know right off the top of their head” and are waiting for the owner to confirm. Haven’t heard anything and I’m expected to come in early morning tomorrow for more training.

Should I go anyway or tell them I’m not coming in until they confirm my wage? I’m sorry if it seems like a dumb question but I’m just flabbergasted by this situation. This is a level of shady unprofessionalism I have never experienced before. Am I living in the matrix or something?? It’s weird.

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