
Social democratic/welfare liberal reforms reinforce work, not threaten it.

The archetypal ur-example here is Social Security: it was designed to keep the elderly out of poverty, which is of course a coherent concept only insofar as “poverty” and “wealth” are coherent concepts. It was inspired by and opposed to the Townsend Plan, which was supported by various domestic fascist groups, and its intent was to produce a property-owning “middle-class” that would stand as a bulwark to revolution. This is an inducement to organized, capitalist labor, not a victory against it. Capitalism doesn't thrive on poverty, but on labor exploitation – what is necessary is to find a way to literally abolish labor. This will, counterintuitively, mean rising up strongly against the very organizations championed by the Left.

The archetypal ur-example here is Social Security: it was designed to keep the elderly out of poverty, which is of course a coherent concept only insofar as “poverty” and “wealth” are coherent concepts. It was inspired by and opposed to the Townsend Plan, which was supported by various domestic fascist groups, and its intent was to produce a property-owning “middle-class” that would stand as a bulwark to revolution. This is an inducement to organized, capitalist labor, not a victory against it. Capitalism doesn't thrive on poverty, but on labor exploitation – what is necessary is to find a way to literally abolish labor. This will, counterintuitively, mean rising up strongly against the very organizations championed by the Left.

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