
Social Security is a Joke, tell me I am wrong, or do you think it’s an Entitlement as the Republicans keep saying?

I’ve paid into Social Security for 40 years now and some years I made 350k. That may sound a lot but in Silicon Valley after taxes from State and Fed it’s just a living wage, as they take out more than half and no end of year refund. So, Google Social Security and at 62 it’s 24 k a year … but wait … there’s more folks. If I wait till I’m 70 I can get 50k-ish and let’s not forget we get taxed on this too. What a joke after what I paid in during all these years.

I’ve paid into Social Security for 40 years now and some years I made 350k. That may sound a lot but in Silicon Valley after taxes from State and Fed it’s just a living wage, as they take out more than half and no end of year refund. So, Google Social Security and at 62 it’s 24 k a year … but wait … there’s more folks. If I wait till I’m 70 I can get 50k-ish and let’s not forget we get taxed on this too. What a joke after what I paid in during all these years.

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