
Social Work is the least anti-work

The Social Work field is such a hard field to be in. Since you’re working with people, you’re expected to go above and beyond. If you don’t, the clients are at risk and it’s your fault. If it was any other field, workers would not be working so hard for SO LITTLE. It’s a sick culture. I have coworkers taking work calls/emails/text off the clock, buying clients things out of their own pocket, and generally doing way more then they need to. I know this is bad boundaries, but it’s a culture that is valued in the social work field. If you do bare minimum (I.e. your job duties, nothing more), colleagues deem you lazy and say you don’t care about clients. I’m trying to radicalize them more but it’s hard when it’s people we are taking care of.

The Social Work field is such a hard field to be in. Since you’re working with people, you’re expected to go above and beyond. If you don’t, the clients are at risk and it’s your fault. If it was any other field, workers would not be working so hard for SO LITTLE. It’s a sick culture. I have coworkers taking work calls/emails/text off the clock, buying clients things out of their own pocket, and generally doing way more then they need to. I know this is bad boundaries, but it’s a culture that is valued in the social work field. If you do bare minimum (I.e. your job duties, nothing more), colleagues deem you lazy and say you don’t care about clients. I’m trying to radicalize them more but it’s hard when it’s people we are taking care of.

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