
Society takes sanitation workers for granted.

If you’ve ever been a sanitation worker, garbage collector, dishwasher etc. I hear you. We are looked down upon and spat on despite the fact that without people like us willing to take the job, every person on this planet would likely be fucking dead from covid-19. I make less than every person at my fucking job, as a dishwasher, and I’m treated as though it’s “unskilled labor”. Tell that to every other fucking crash-test dummy that’s come out of the woodwork. We are one of the most over-looked professions to date, in my opinion. If you go to a restaurant, do your best to keep the mess at a minimum. Stop deliberately making our jobs difficult cuz “ThAt’S yOuR jOb”. I can’t even afford to LIVE for the job I do. Because people don’t think workers like us deserve to live.

If you’ve ever been a sanitation worker, garbage collector, dishwasher etc. I hear you. We are looked down upon and spat on despite the fact that without people like us willing to take the job, every person on this planet would likely be fucking dead from covid-19.
I make less than every person at my fucking job, as a dishwasher, and I’m treated as though it’s “unskilled labor”. Tell that to every other fucking crash-test dummy that’s come out of the woodwork.
We are one of the most over-looked professions to date, in my opinion.

If you go to a restaurant, do your best to keep the mess at a minimum. Stop deliberately making our jobs difficult cuz “ThAt’S yOuR jOb”. I can’t even afford to LIVE for the job I do. Because people don’t think workers like us deserve to live.

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