
Solidarity with all workers

After all the posts about the SVB crisis, it seems clear that many here don’t consider those working in the tech industry to be working class. I read so many comments saying that the depositors, not the investors, shouldn’t receive access to their funds to pay payroll. Eat the rich, am I right? Except that the ones on those payrolls are not rich. They’re people like you and me that have to work to survive. They’re just people that work at some company – they didn’t choose the company bank and their company didn’t choose to invest in SVB. Are tech workers somehow different because there isn’t physical labour involved? Do the hours spent at work mean less because it’s on a computer? I work in tech (customer support, not an engineer and the lowest paid in the whole company) because I’m 90lbs soaking wet and have a chronic health…

After all the posts about the SVB crisis, it seems clear that many here don’t consider those working in the tech industry to be working class. I read so many comments saying that the depositors, not the investors, shouldn’t receive access to their funds to pay payroll. Eat the rich, am I right?

Except that the ones on those payrolls are not rich. They’re people like you and me that have to work to survive. They’re just people that work at some company – they didn’t choose the company bank and their company didn’t choose to invest in SVB.

Are tech workers somehow different because there isn’t physical labour involved? Do the hours spent at work mean less because it’s on a computer?

I work in tech (customer support, not an engineer and the lowest paid in the whole company) because I’m 90lbs soaking wet and have a chronic health condition that prevents me from being able to lift regularly, stay on my feet too long, or even just move sometimes. If I couldn’t get a desk job, I probably wouldn’t be able to manage more than part time. My brain is basically all I have.

It’s depressing to see that many of you believe that because my employer chose to store money at Bank A instead of Bank B, myself and my coworkers should just not get paid “because that’s what happened to me/my parent/whoever in 2008!”

That sounds like the “I suffered so you should too” mentality people like to shit on boomers for. Are we not trying to be better than that?

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