
Some Brits have launched an anti-work butt plug

​ ​ “Getting fucked by late-stage capitalism sure is tiring. Rocketing utilities, ballooning rents, looming recessions, ecological collapse, an inescapable wage-treadmill and toxic bosses. We say, why fight it when you can learn to enjoy it? Maybe, loosen up a little? Transform that despair of being systemically DOMINATED into ecstatic carnal pleasure with London's most iconic temple to greed now recast into the luxurious butt plug it was born to be.” I want two. One for me and one to send to my boss.

“Getting fucked by late-stage capitalism sure is tiring. Rocketing utilities, ballooning rents, looming recessions, ecological collapse, an inescapable wage-treadmill and toxic bosses.

We say, why fight it when you can learn to enjoy it? Maybe, loosen up a little?

Transform that despair of being systemically DOMINATED into ecstatic carnal pleasure with London's most iconic temple to greed now recast into the luxurious butt plug it was born to be.”

I want two. One for me and one to send to my boss.

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