
Some corporations are confused at why they’re failing

Just interviewed for a couple jobs. The first one, I have to wait weeks for their HR machinations to set an interview date. Do the interview, nice site, nice walkthrough etc. They offer. I say I've got to see the result of the my second interview first and they wonder when they can know. I say next Fri at the latest. They're like “What about Mon??” I say that's possible, but the latest boundary is Fri. The kicker? They can't start me for a full month. So they make me wait, then expect immediate response from me, but I wouldn't start for another month. Silly sallys. That's how you lose a candidate. ​ This other job? Do the interview, I express excitement, they invite me back the next day. I'm probably gonna start Mon or ASAP because paperwork. They listened to me, and got the candidate. So that's my boring…

Just interviewed for a couple jobs. The first one, I have to wait weeks for their HR machinations to set an interview date. Do the interview, nice site, nice walkthrough etc. They offer. I say I've got to see the result of the my second interview first and they wonder when they can know. I say next Fri at the latest. They're like “What about Mon??” I say that's possible, but the latest boundary is Fri.

The kicker? They can't start me for a full month. So they make me wait, then expect immediate response from me, but I wouldn't start for another month. Silly sallys. That's how you lose a candidate.

This other job? Do the interview, I express excitement, they invite me back the next day. I'm probably gonna start Mon or ASAP because paperwork. They listened to me, and got the candidate.

So that's my boring story for the week

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