
Some examples of a great work environment

I know this subreddit is about anti work, but I feel we should sometimes recognize good, quality employers so people know what to look for. I work as an IFT EMT, essentially we do transit between hospitals, doctors appointments, and dialysis appointments for the elderly. I’m not going to say what company just in case of legal issues, but the company I work for really is top of the line in terms of quality of service, and how it treats employees. I injured myself on duty while moving a patient. Not only did they make me end my shift that day to prevent further injury, they scheduled an appointment the next day to get me checked out. Turns out I had a pulled muscle in my back. They scheduled me for “light duty” where in essentially they add an extra person to our truck so that I don’t have to…

I know this subreddit is about anti work, but I feel we should sometimes recognize good, quality employers so people know what to look for. I work as an IFT EMT, essentially we do transit between hospitals, doctors appointments, and dialysis appointments for the elderly. I’m not going to say what company just in case of legal issues, but the company I work for really is top of the line in terms of quality of service, and how it treats employees. I injured myself on duty while moving a patient. Not only did they make me end my shift that day to prevent further injury, they scheduled an appointment the next day to get me checked out. Turns out I had a pulled muscle in my back. They scheduled me for “light duty” where in essentially they add an extra person to our truck so that I don’t have to do any lifting. To clarify, they are in no way obligated to do this. They could easily just tell me to stay home till I’m healed, They do it so I can continue to get paid. I’ve been on light duty for 2 weeks, and they are eager to extend it if the doctor says that I should remain so. They didn’t require any kind of investigation to “prove a work related injury” they didn’t do anything to get out of paying for it. They took my word for it and hoped that I get better. Some other things they do are ensure that everyone is off on time when they need to be, they’re amazing when it comes to call outs and always have someone on the clock to answer the phone, at any time of night if you need to call out. They don’t require doctors notes or any explanation. I’ve had coworkers simply say that they needed a mental health day, and the only response is that the management is there if they need to talk and that they should feel free to take the week if need too. They give ample breaks, and don’t run us ragged. They treat us well and we treat them well in turn. If you need to leave early for any reason, one of the supervisors will meet with you to take your place at the drop of a hat to take over your duties for the day. The pay is competitive and they have amazing benefits. Plenty of over time, and they’re amazingly flexible. I could tell them that I need to work completely different hours every week and they’d work around it. I genuinely have never had a better employer. I think everyone deserves to work for a company like mine, and recognize crappy employers when they see one. Im looking at you AMR

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