
Some help from folks with medical knowledge

Hey folks, this post may get a little personal for some, but I had some questions about Colorado medical laws for anyone who might be able to help. I've been to a local walk-in clinic (not actually walk-in apparently) to get a diagnosis for some chronic gastrointestinal problems I've had since the very end of November of 2022. I've made 2 phone calls and one in-person visit to see if my results were available. The walk-in visit was about 2 days ago and when I went in the front desk workers said it looked like I had results, but they said the doctor had to call and present them to me. I agreed to wait another day, but it's been 2 days and I've not even received an email. I understand it's the holiday season and they're busy, but I've been patient for a week and they can't even take…

Hey folks, this post may get a little personal for some, but I had some questions about Colorado medical laws for anyone who might be able to help.

I've been to a local walk-in clinic (not actually walk-in apparently) to get a diagnosis for some chronic gastrointestinal problems I've had since the very end of November of 2022. I've made 2 phone calls and one in-person visit to see if my results were available. The walk-in visit was about 2 days ago and when I went in the front desk workers said it looked like I had results, but they said the doctor had to call and present them to me. I agreed to wait another day, but it's been 2 days and I've not even received an email. I understand it's the holiday season and they're busy, but I've been patient for a week and they can't even take the time for a 5 minute phone call to ONE patient that has ALREADY been seen.

I'm so beyond angry and tired now. I won't say what I suspect the illness is since this is a legal subreddit and not a medical one, but I know this is some kind of stomach bacteria problem that I NEED antibiotics for. I can't live with these chronic pains anymore.

Is there ANY law that I may be able to present to them to force an immediate presentation of results, or call them out on their lack of patient care? It's horrible we have to live in a country where it's THIS hard to get legitimate treatment, even after paying and showing as much patience as possible with these people.

I can't go another day without the medicine I just can't. Tomorrow I plan to march in once they're open again and demand to speak to a doctor before leaving, but it'd be helpful to know any laws or regulations I may be able to use to force an answer.

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