
Some of Ya’ll probably already know about this, but We’re heading for “Great Depression 2: Electric Boogaloo”

Everyone is already aware of the out of control inflation post-COVID, and that most of that is actually from Corporate using inflation as an excuse to artificially jack prices for “record profits”… Unfortunately, that's only the tip of the iceburg. Due to a history of both risky economic decisions due to necessity and straight up Bad economic decisions from greed, America is sitting on a nuclear stockpile of debt and inflation triggers. To avoid writing a research paper, and too keep this info entertaining rather than dry, Watch a movie called “The Big Short”(For 2008 Context) and This youtube series(more historical context that's still entertaining). Both are better researched and written than I could hope to replicate. TL;DR if you don't like fun: America is sitting on a massive debt bubble, a massive housing bubble, and a massive derivatives market bubble, all of which can cause chaos on the validity…

Everyone is already aware of the out of control inflation post-COVID, and that most of that is actually from Corporate using inflation as an excuse to artificially jack prices for “record profits”…

Unfortunately, that's only the tip of the iceburg.

Due to a history of both risky economic decisions due to necessity and straight up Bad economic decisions from greed, America is sitting on a nuclear stockpile of debt and inflation triggers. To avoid writing a research paper, and too keep this info entertaining rather than dry, Watch a movie called “The Big Short”(For 2008 Context) and This youtube series(more historical context that's still entertaining). Both are better researched and written than I could hope to replicate.

TL;DR if you don't like fun: America is sitting on a massive debt bubble, a massive housing bubble, and a massive derivatives market bubble, all of which can cause chaos on the validity of the dollar. As the world reserve currency, foreign countries losing faith in the dollar could mean returning their reserves of US dollars for a new substitute. See Venezuela inflation for what that would do to America(Different situation, same outcome).

The worst part is that america is technically doing the Least Bad(so no, moving to another country won't help).

Sticking to superpowers:

Many of you probably heard about “Evergrande” in the news at some point. As a refreshers, it was a big company with a lot of power over China's housing market and it was in A Lot of debt. It defaulting on that debt would mean china's housing market imploding. Here's the thing…

It did.

Evergrande is currently dissolved, and the reason you haven't heard anything Now, is because china is doing its best to cover this up/hold things together(badly).

This isn't even the Worst of china's problems right now. It's still sitting on 2 more economic nuclear blasts called the “Bullet Train Debt Bubble” and “Overseas Ports Acquisition Program Defaults”. This is also before they recently started making military moves on their neighbors, and royally pissing off india in what threatens to be a mirror to russia's situation with ukraine.

As for Russia, it's economic downfall is currently in motion and plain for the world to see.

Now think for a second, what happens to the world economy now that 3 world superpowers are about to soil the bed AT THE SAME TIME.

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