
Some people need some context on how hard their job really is.

I (26M) am new to this subreddit and saw some real gems but I also saw a few people with just general work complaints that require them to perform they're tasks more efficiently. I wanted to provide some context of international work expectations to help the people that are having a hard time dealing with their work environment. I'm Australian but I've been living in Turkey for 2 years. My current sales job requires me from 9-6 (9 work hours), 5 days a week with an extra half day with 20 minute lunch break and smoking breaks allowed. I'm also expected to reply to leads within a 15 minute time frame outside of work hours until 12am at night. It is 1:30am for my other colleagues, because I'm also managing social media and Google SEO website stuff. I've been told that since my wife is away in another city for…

I (26M) am new to this subreddit and saw some real gems but I also saw a few people with just general work complaints that require them to perform they're tasks more efficiently.

I wanted to provide some context of international work expectations to help the people that are having a hard time dealing with their work environment.

I'm Australian but I've been living in Turkey for 2 years. My current sales job requires me from 9-6 (9 work hours), 5 days a week with an extra half day with 20 minute lunch break and smoking breaks allowed. I'm also expected to reply to leads within a 15 minute time frame outside of work hours until 12am at night. It is 1:30am for my other colleagues, because I'm also managing social media and Google SEO website stuff.

I've been told that since my wife is away in another city for 2 months that I have no excuses not to perform outside work duties poorly. In fact, my work load has increased because of this.

Labor is cheap in Turkey and so across 90% (just an approximation based on experience) of work industries, the minimum wage is the average wage which jobs are given. Despite qualifications.

I do consider myself lucky to be paid minimum wage plus commissions from my sales which equals about 1%. Each month since starting this role my commissions have changed. Each month my work role expands. Each month our prices change.

Why do I consider myself lucky? Based on my commissions I am more well off than most, I'm able to order takeout once a week. But that doesn't mean I don't struggle to manage my finances.

These are the working cultural differences I've personally experienced and I can guarantee it for a LOT more of not only my colleagues but in other industries.

If you are complaining about stay behind to complete some medial tasks increasing your work hours from 40 to 45 hours a week. You need a shift in your perspective and a realisation that no matter where you work, you will always have management pressure you on productivity and availability.

There are many things I'm not addressing otherwise I would be writing a book and my main point would be overlooked. And that is directed at the people that complaining about the small things and the attitudes of their managers for example. Please use my experience as a means to shift your perspective so you don't grow resentful of your job which will in turn affect your personal life. Because people live with much worse.

If your main complaint is how your boss treats your disrespectfully, teach yourself on how to train them to be respecful. Or use the direct approach requesting respect for going above your duties or it won't be done and legal action will be considered if they try to harrass, discriminate or threaten consequences. Use these opportunities to teach yourself on communication, workers rights, exercising your legal rights.

If this helps even one person, I'll be happy.

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