
Someone died and management responded like this.

So this is a new one for me. I came into my swing shift today to learn that on day shift a lady stood up from her desk heaving and clutching her chest before falling on the floor. About 30 people looked on as the section manager performed CPR for almost 20 minutes before responders arrived and declared her dead by heart attack. They covered her and wheeled her out. Then management made it a point to say “Nobody is going home. Business as usual. Back to work.” In what damn hellscape is this an acceptable response to someone dying in the middle of the work floor? Once again, all human decency and dignity is thrown away for productivity. For a menial job that pays dick. The whole section went through a traumatic experience. Nobody protested or argued with management. The sheep just went back to complicity. I am having…

So this is a new one for me. I came into my swing shift today to learn that on day shift a lady stood up from her desk heaving and clutching her chest before falling on the floor. About 30 people looked on as the section manager performed CPR for almost 20 minutes before responders arrived and declared her dead by heart attack. They covered her and wheeled her out. Then management made it a point to say “Nobody is going home. Business as usual. Back to work.”

In what damn hellscape is this an acceptable response to someone dying in the middle of the work floor? Once again, all human decency and dignity is thrown away for productivity. For a menial job that pays dick. The whole section went through a traumatic experience. Nobody protested or argued with management. The sheep just went back to complicity. I am having trouble processing the state of our society. It is depressing as shit. That poor woman more than likely has given a moderate chunk of her life to this organization too. For what? To be discarded and forgotten? Disgraceful. What are we humanity?

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