
Someone made a good point why there’s so many toxic managers in companies.

I was reading this post on Facebook about bad companies and managers, and how a company will get rid of a good employee instead of fixing their toxic management. Someone wrote “Because the good employees realize their worth and so they go somewhere better, while the terrible employees have no other options and get promoted from a lack of competition. Same thing happens in the military.” That’s a really good point. Any real asshole manager will be there for years, while a lot of nice/good employees will leave because it’s not worth putting up with the nasty crap. That’s why many places have shit managers.

I was reading this post on Facebook about bad companies and managers, and how a company will get rid of a good employee instead of fixing their toxic management.

Someone wrote “Because the good employees realize their worth and so they go somewhere better, while the terrible employees have no other options and get promoted from a lack of competition. Same thing happens in the military.”

That’s a really good point. Any real asshole manager will be there for years, while a lot of nice/good employees will leave because it’s not worth putting up with the nasty crap. That’s why many places have shit managers.

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