
Something should be done about the way many tattoo shops treat their “apprentices”. The word apprentice isn’t even accurate.

An apprentice is paid and treated as a worker. Tattoo shops have unpaid internships who are not safe from discrimination or harassment. Many people PAY for the opportunity and are in for a world of abuse and no protection from unfair treatment. The risk of getting fired on a whim is strong. One of the worst things is the attitude is so prevalent in the industry that a good portion of the very few apprentices that survive the ordeal, perpetuate the cycle because “It worked for them” Why is there no protection for these students? Labor laws in most states would dictate that these workers are at least obligated to minimum wage. They are WORKING even if they are learning. They should also be protected from harassment and hazing. It is a lucrative business already and taking advantage of their next generation of workers should be a crime. Is there…

An apprentice is paid and treated as a worker. Tattoo shops have unpaid internships who are not safe from discrimination or harassment. Many people PAY for the opportunity and are in for a world of abuse and no protection from unfair treatment. The risk of getting fired on a whim is strong. One of the worst things is the attitude is so prevalent in the industry that a good portion of the very few apprentices that survive the ordeal, perpetuate the cycle because “It worked for them” Why is there no protection for these students? Labor laws in most states would dictate that these workers are at least obligated to minimum wage. They are WORKING even if they are learning. They should also be protected from harassment and hazing. It is a lucrative business already and taking advantage of their next generation of workers should be a crime. Is there anything that can be done at this point?

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