
Sometimes a company can be too lenient with things.

Ok hear me out. I work for a really big company. Like Fortune 10 type. Oddly enough, they treat us pretty good. Nothing is perfect, and there is room for improvement, but I’m pretty happy here. Between all of the different types of paid time off, I get about 9 weeks a year. Vacation is always approved as long as not too many people are out at that time. Realistically, if less than 4 out of 11 in my group are off, then it’s approved. Sick days require nothing more than an email to the group, including the boss saying “I’m taking a sick day”. No explanation of why. Or proof is needed. Now, covid sick days don’t count towards our paid sick days. Ya get covid and you get like a week. They don’t require proof. Just take you at your word. Here’s the problem….we have a guy that…

Ok hear me out. I work for a really big company. Like Fortune 10 type. Oddly enough, they treat us pretty good. Nothing is perfect, and there is room for improvement, but I’m pretty happy here. Between all of the different types of paid time off, I get about 9 weeks a year. Vacation is always approved as long as not too many people are out at that time. Realistically, if less than 4 out of 11 in my group are off, then it’s approved. Sick days require nothing more than an email to the group, including the boss saying “I’m taking a sick day”. No explanation of why. Or proof is needed. Now, covid sick days don’t count towards our paid sick days. Ya get covid and you get like a week. They don’t require proof. Just take you at your word. Here’s the problem….we have a guy that sucks. Sucks at his job. Screws people over. A shitty employee. Well he’s on his 5th covid “sickness”. 2 of the times were on holidays that he was scheduled for. Meaning someone else had to work that had already done their holiday for the year. As much as I am all for employers treating employees like adults, some people play the system and fuck over others. So, this weekend while I’m working for him, I hope he stubs his pinky toe every time he stands up. And before you say “just refuse to work”, people’s lives are at stake and this scenario is spelled out and agreed to during the interview process

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