
Soooo I might get fired, any way I can protect myself?

*Just for context I work at a grocery store in the Central Valley of California if that helps This Thursday (7/13) I was working in the freezer isle and I put cardboard down as I always do so people don’t slip and fall. I brought a cart of ice cream out and started working it like normal right? I took the cart back to the freezer and I picked the cardboard up off the ground because it had already soaked up the water from the cart that was on it. I put them away because it’s actually sometimes easy for the cardboard to slip out from under you if you walk over it fast or run on it. I get a cart of frozen pizzas and don’t put new cardboard because the cart with the pizza didn’t have any ice or anything on it. It was just cold so I…

  *Just for context I work at a grocery store in the Central Valley of California if that helps 

  This Thursday (7/13) I was working in the freezer isle and I put cardboard down as I always do so people don’t slip and fall. I brought a cart of ice cream out and started working it like normal right?
  I took the cart back to the freezer and I picked the cardboard up off the ground because it had already soaked up the water from the cart that was on it. 
  I put them away because it’s actually sometimes easy for the cardboard to slip out from under you if you walk over it fast or run on it. I get a cart of frozen pizzas and don’t put new cardboard because the cart with the pizza didn’t have any ice or anything on it. 
  It was just cold so I thought nothing of it. I finish stocking the stuff I need and I move to another section of the isle. I look back about a minute later and see a lady on the floor that had slipped. I helped her up, made sure she was okay, and I got her a chair.
  I asked her if she wanted to file a report and she said yes. My boss was the video and I got written up earlier today. He said the owners want to see the video and do an investigation.
  My boss said that there is a possibility that I could get suspended or even terminated depending on what they feel is necessary.
  Is there anything I can do if they fire me or am I fucked?

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